keskiviikko 4. maaliskuuta 2015

Charles or Chris Cavanaugh?

 Last night's episode was sad and dramatic at the same time.
I still can't believe that Alison took the plea, even tho she didn't want it anymore in the end of episode, but still.. Hanna is now sharing a same jail with Ali. Somehow i understand Alison, that she is afraid.. but still. And what did she saw in jail, when she screamed and was hurted? Some part of me almost thought that did she fake the whole thing?

It was nice to see that Spencer and Melissa talked about things, but Melissa promised that there's no lies anymore between them, but still she lied about the interview with her mom to Spencer. I kinda understand Melissa too, but lie is always a lie.

And who we can trust anymore in that show? Obvioisly you can not trust even the lawyers. Mona's ex-lawyer is really hiding something. Maybe he's paid by A, to keep quiet about things. 

It's also sad to see how the realitionships have changed. Well, Caleb is still there for Hanna. But Colin was definitely flirting to Spencer, Aria and Andrew have a thing, and Emily.. maybe she is intrested about Talia. I miss Paily, Ezria and Spoby <3

But now i want to share here few intresting theories what i read about last night.

I watched few days ago this episode, where Hanna was in dentist. In that paper, you can see name: C Cavanaugh, so who hell is he/she?

Some spoilers of the finale 5x25 reveals that Spencer figures out an anagram that spells "Charles". And girls thinks that is A?

I read theories that maybe Toby's real name is Charles, Charles Cavanaugh. Meaning of Charles is also: "Free man", so does it mean "free at last, 901" ? Hmm, intresting..
Toby could also be A, because he is a cop now a days, so he can easily go to prison. He can also hack things, like computers and mobilephones.

Other theory is that real Toby really died in the woods, and his twin brother ( ? ) took his place. And is bigA. Toby was also in the A-team once. Maybe he wasn't there for protecting Spencer.

But what could be Toby's motive if he's A?
Well, Alison wasn't really nice to Toby either. She and the girls got Jenna blind, and maybe Alison have something to do with Marion Cavanaugh's death? Or maybe Bethany is connected to Toby? Maybe she was his sister.

C Cavanaugh could also mean Chris Cavanaugh?
I didn't even remember this man, but i found this.

So what do you think?
Do you think Toby could be A and why if you do?
Or is Toby's real name: Charles?

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