keskiviikko 4. maaliskuuta 2015

Charles or Chris Cavanaugh?

 Last night's episode was sad and dramatic at the same time.
I still can't believe that Alison took the plea, even tho she didn't want it anymore in the end of episode, but still.. Hanna is now sharing a same jail with Ali. Somehow i understand Alison, that she is afraid.. but still. And what did she saw in jail, when she screamed and was hurted? Some part of me almost thought that did she fake the whole thing?

It was nice to see that Spencer and Melissa talked about things, but Melissa promised that there's no lies anymore between them, but still she lied about the interview with her mom to Spencer. I kinda understand Melissa too, but lie is always a lie.

And who we can trust anymore in that show? Obvioisly you can not trust even the lawyers. Mona's ex-lawyer is really hiding something. Maybe he's paid by A, to keep quiet about things. 

It's also sad to see how the realitionships have changed. Well, Caleb is still there for Hanna. But Colin was definitely flirting to Spencer, Aria and Andrew have a thing, and Emily.. maybe she is intrested about Talia. I miss Paily, Ezria and Spoby <3

But now i want to share here few intresting theories what i read about last night.

I watched few days ago this episode, where Hanna was in dentist. In that paper, you can see name: C Cavanaugh, so who hell is he/she?

Some spoilers of the finale 5x25 reveals that Spencer figures out an anagram that spells "Charles". And girls thinks that is A?

I read theories that maybe Toby's real name is Charles, Charles Cavanaugh. Meaning of Charles is also: "Free man", so does it mean "free at last, 901" ? Hmm, intresting..
Toby could also be A, because he is a cop now a days, so he can easily go to prison. He can also hack things, like computers and mobilephones.

Other theory is that real Toby really died in the woods, and his twin brother ( ? ) took his place. And is bigA. Toby was also in the A-team once. Maybe he wasn't there for protecting Spencer.

But what could be Toby's motive if he's A?
Well, Alison wasn't really nice to Toby either. She and the girls got Jenna blind, and maybe Alison have something to do with Marion Cavanaugh's death? Or maybe Bethany is connected to Toby? Maybe she was his sister.

C Cavanaugh could also mean Chris Cavanaugh?
I didn't even remember this man, but i found this.

So what do you think?
Do you think Toby could be A and why if you do?
Or is Toby's real name: Charles?

tiistai 3. maaliskuuta 2015

Welcome To The Dollhouse

I'm still here bitches.

This post is gonna be all about season 5 finale: Welcome to the dollhouse.

Whooo, it's coming, it's coming.. i CAN'T wait!

I saw weird dream last night about season finale episode.

Alison was still in jail, in her cell.
Suddenly there came a visitor to see Ali. Ali was back-facing to visitor and when she turn around, she saw a girl who looked just like her. It was her twin, Bethany Young.
But, Alison didn't looked surprised or shocked at all. She smiled crooked expression on her face. "Our plan came out perfectly", Bethany said to Ali.

Then, Bethany took a knife and stabbed herself. Now their plan was to put Ali look like dead. That she made a suicide. Ali put Bethany on her bed and ran away from jail.

Wren was outside waiting in the car, picking up Ali.

That's where to dream ended. Scaary dream. Hope it's not true, or if it is, i am psychic. Haha.

So, what do we know about the finale?
It will air March 24, 2015 hashtag #bigAreveal.
Which obviously means that we will get a big clue about "A" 's identity. So we could figure it out, who is he/she?

It will also be most shocking, memorable and dark finale we have ever seen.


There will be:
- Mona's flashback
- We will know more what happened to mrs. Dilareuntis
- Lieutenant Tanner will return
- November 17 Marlene tweeted "A has a wicked sense of humour in this finale "Just ask Ezra" ( So does this mean that Ezra knows A well, or is he really the bigA?)
- Andrew will be in this episode ( i still hope that he's not A ).
On November 19, Marlene tweeted, "there are some similarities between 225 [S2 Finale] and 525 [S5 Finale]".
In an interview, Marlene King said, "There is a twist towards the end that is by far our most demented and mind-boggling. I have goosebumps just thinking about it. We take a shocking turn and everyone was like, 'Wow, I can’t believe this is the show now.'"
- " A will be seen without hoodie"
On February 20, Marlene tweeted, "the March 24 finale pulls 3 years together. It is the most important episode of PLL ever!"

Source and more spoilers:

Whole cast in this episode you will find here:
( Does that mean, that "A" is one of them? Or is it someone, but her/his name is not on the list, because it would be too easy to figure it out who's A? It never knows, when it comes to PLL..)

What we still don't know? 
Who killed Garret and Maya?
Who was in that black bag in "it's A dark ride"- episode?
Is MayA really dead, because we never saw her body?
Who killed Mona and where is her body?
Who killed Jessica?
Where the hell is everybody? (Jenna, Lucas, Ella, Byron, Melissa, Wren, Cece and so on... list is looong.)
And of course, who is A?
There is so much what we don't know about things, so i hope we really get answers.


I wanna share with you guys, how i want season 5 to end? It would be cool if liars (and Ali maybe) will be trapped into a big house, which is full of dolls. There is Mona's dead body, which is looking like a doll too. Liars are scared but they find something how to protect themselves (maybe a knife or a gun)

Then, someone is coming out of the darkness forward the girls, and one of the liars will hit/stab or shoot with a gun that person, because they think that is A. But it's not. It's someone, really close to one of the liars, or of them all..
They can't stay there, and they finally find a way out from the house..
In the ending scene "A" is in his/her house. Taking out the mask and hoodie, but we don't see face.. only hair. And we realize it's one of the liars, or Maya or Wren.
That's how i want it to end..
And of course we will get answers for those things we don't know yet.

Or other favorite ending could be, that this has been someone's imagination all the time. That would be amazing twist.

Share me and to others, what would be your favorite ending? How do you want things to go?

PS. I don't know did i write things correctly in english, so i used google translator. Google translator we trust. Haha. I'm from Finland.

keskiviikko 25. helmikuuta 2015

Who's A and who's not?

OMG OMG OMG, last episode of pll was so INSANE! Finally there is happening something.. and there's not even a month to big finAle. I'm freakin out, like really!!

So thoughts about last ep. The most creepiest part was that A was in that room, where Cyrus was. That was soo creepy! And blood in Spencer's purse.. and what almost happened to Aria.. oh god.. but luckely there was Andrew who was helping Aria. But yes, that is a fact that Mike could have died, and that what makes me think, that Aria might not be A. I don't really believe that she would kill her little brother. Well, people can make terrible things, but still.. no.

And do you guys think that Andrew has been in pll lately quite a lot. Is he just intrested about Aria or is he hiding something? Hope he's not A tho.

Were was Melissa and Wren when Spencer went to London?
That makes me think that is one of them or both involved for Cyrus case somehow? it never knows..

Now it's time to Analyze A. Who could it be?

If it's one of the parents, it could be:
Ashley Marin ( there is maybe something we don't know about her. she has done some nasty things. like stealing money and ran over police)

I don't believe it's any of the other parents.. but if it is, suspects could be also Byron and Mr. Hastings. ( Ali blackmailed Byron and Jason is Peter's son, so there might be a little possibility if Peter is trying to protect Jason somehow ).

But i really don't think that A could be a parent, because why parents try to hurt their childs? 

If A is female, my suspects are Melissa, CeCe and Maya. ( Melissa and CeCe have reasons, why they could be A. I don't know Maya's possible reasons, but there might be something in hide. Something we don't know. And we never saw her body either ). 

If A is male, my suspects are Wren, Toby and Caleb. ( Toby have many reasons why he could be A, and he has been in A-team once. I still hope that he is only trying protect the girls, especially Spencer.) Wren and Caleb are both a little mysterious characters to me. They are both really smart. Like Caleb with hackering computers and mobile phones and Wren is a doctor, who has easy pass to people's information and blood)

If A is one of the liars, my suspects are: Aria and Hanna. Hanna has been suffered the most of being friends with Ali and about Aria.. well there is so many clues and theories about her.
But what makes me think is, that Marlene tweeted that there is only one active A right now, so how could any of those liars do those terrifying things without any help? 
If A is one the the liars, she really have someone beside who is helping.

Who's definitely not A?

Jason (i really don't have good explanation in this.. yes he is still alive and he was part of the NAT-club, and there is something strange in him. But he's just not A-material to me)

Jenna. (It's way too obvious and boring, if she's A)

Alison ( Like Jenna, it will be just stupid, if she's A. Like why? Yes, she's a bitch and she lies people and know dirty secrets), but still i don't think she's A.

Lucas ( He has been in A-team and helped Mona, but he's harmless. I don't think that he wants to do any harm)

Paige ( She has many reasons to be A too, because Ali bullied her. But there's something in her, which makes me think that she's not A.)

Ezra is a little bit mysterious to me. We thought that he is A earlier, but he wasn't.. i believe him, and i hope that they don't go back of Ezra being A anymore.

I hope that A is not any of the page actresses, like Andrew, Jonny, Meredith, Kate, Isabelle, Ted, Eddie Lamb and so on.. it would be just stupid. Well, maybe not that stupid, if there is a really intresting story behind.

I do hope that bigA is someone we know well. She or he has been there all the time. I actually hope it's a young female. Someone, who will make us scream. "NO WAY IN HELL" !! Haha...

Guys, who do you think is A and why? Please let me know and love ya all!

lauantai 21. helmikuuta 2015

I Could hAve been A..

This post will be different than the others.
I will reveal some secrets of myself to you guys.

First of all, i'm a boy or should i say young man, i am 27 years old and yes, like you have noticed, huuuge pllfan :D

I used to live in a small town with my foster parents and my big brother ( not biological ).
Like in Rosewood too, every little town is full of secrets and those secrets is not easy to hide.

When i went to grade school when i was 7 years old, i had no friends at all. I was mostly alone, because other people thought that i am weird boy, who has ugly face and ugly cloths.
Few student bullied me with nasty words and few student also kicked me with their shoes after school day. I was a small boy, who was afraid to defend himself.
"Luckely" the bullying was kinda small in those times. 
And what made it more sad, was that even teachers didn't defend me, when i told that i am bullied by others. One teacher said, that it's my fault that i'm bullied. How someone can say something like that to a young boy, who scares.

After grade school ended, i went to seventh grade to junior high. It was different school, many new faces, and i hoped that people don't bully me anymore. But they did, and it was worse than ever..
I tried to be friends with few boys and we used to smoke cigarettes in a secret place. One time i told them secret things about my life, because i thought that i can trust them. But those bastards told my secrets to the whole school. Immediately people started to calling me names, they laughed at me and made me embarrassed in front of everyone.
There was also few boys who beated me badly, repeatedly many times after school.

I had few friends still, but they were bullied too by others, and they never defended me. Never. And that felt bad.

In last grade i changed a little bit. I started to wear cooler cloths, i did my hair look better and i started to defend myself also more. Some way bullying was less than before, but still it was there the whole time after last grade ended and i got off the hole school and place, and i moved to another place to live and studying.

So, i was bullied nine years. It was so awfull and sad time in my life and i never forget it. Some way i am thankfull to my bulliers that i am sooo much stronger now. I'm a fighter. And now a days i have many friends.

But i never forget how evil those people were to me. How they called me so many different bad names. How they tortured me, beated me and make my life like a hell. I was so alone. Cried in my room everyday day after school. And even teachers and my parents tried to do their best, situation didn't change at all.

Maybe that's why PLL is my favourite show, cause i see so many things in that show, what i was going through when i was younger. I could have been A.. because i thought revenge long time. Sometimes i still do, even tho i don't know anything about those bullies lifes. 

So if you are bullying someone, please STOP. It's not cool.
If you are bullied by someone, talk and defend yourself.
Or if you see bullying happening somewhere, don't just watch. Do something!

Thank you for reading!

perjantai 20. helmikuuta 2015

Who will die in finAle?

Hey you liars!
This post is gonna be loooong, so beware :D

So, i read somewhere that the last words in finale episode, will be: "I can't believe you're A".

Who will find out his/her true identity? And will that person be dead after that.. i think so.
I have read also a spoiler ( don't know is it true or not ), that Mona's mom will die. So maybe she is the one who find out, unless does she even know the hole A-thing? Well, i guess so, because her daughter was in mental hospital. But i will come to this later...
Now, i have some other things what i've noticed lately..

Watch this Mona's death scene

It looks like that the person who killed Mona is not really skinny, he/she have kinda strong legs. I don't mean that she or he is fat, but look at yourself..

A also breaks into Mona's home. And that looks intresting because the last episode Spencer breaks into that place same way, where is her and Jonny's paintings. So Spencer sure knows how to break somewhere. Looks suspicious..

What Spencer gave to Jonny at last episode before he left? It reminds me of stapler, but was it? A also used stapler when A attacked to Aria. Hmmm...

And now i come back to that thing where i started this post.
So, if Mona's mom will find out who is bigA, could it maybe be Hanna? Because Mona's mom knows Hanna the best of those liars. And i have many times thought that Hanna really could be A, because she have many motives.

One motive could be that she is related to Bethany somehow. Her mom saw the other twin at halloween ep, and Hanna saw twins in Ravenswood. The girls in the first secret were blondes, Bethany Young is blond and Hanna is also. So, maybe Bethany is really Hanna's sister?

Other motive is that she was also humiliated by Ali. Ali called Hanna names, like "hefty-Hanna" and make fun of her different ways.

Hanna really changed a lot when Ali disappeared. She became the new queen bee of Rosewood, with Mona. And Mona was the first A, and Hanna were best friends with her. Maybe it was Hanna who told Mona what to do, as A. But Mona didn't know that.

Or... maybe she did. I have also a theory that maybe Mona really didn't die, and she and Hanna make a plan to fake Mona's death, looking like that it was Ali who killed Mona. 
Song: "We gotta get out of this place" was playing in that scene where Mona died. And chorus goes like:

We gotta get out of this place
If its the last thing we ever do
We gotta get out of this place
'Cause girl, there's a better life
For me and you

Could that be a clue? That Hanna and Mona wants a better life in somewhere else?

There's always a possibility that Mona didn't know that Hanna is A, because in death scene she really looks like shocked. And Mrs. Grunwald also told to Hanna that "it was a ultimate betrayal to Mona". Maybe it was Hanna who betrayed Mona.

In that death scene i also noticed that Hanna had black cloths. bigA had black clothes too in that part. Well yes, it looks like that Hanna is really sad in that part when they found out that Mona was killed, but it still looks a little bit fake to me,

And where the hell was Spencer? Was she in police station in that part, because i don't remember right now? Well, if she was, that could explain that she wasn't the one who killed Mona, but maybe she got out there earlier than we know.

What do you guys think? Who will find out who is bigA in finale? And what are your thoughts about my new clues? Please let me know.


torstai 19. helmikuuta 2015

Ready for big reveAl?

Hello my lovely liars!
So, first of all, next episode promo looks pretty nice:

But promos always looks nice, and then the hole episode is just.. blaah.. boring. Sorryy, i had to say that, because it's true that this season 5B has been kinda boring, and i'm not the only one who think like that.

But i am still really exited, that we are only 4 episodes away from Big A reveal. Well, that still doens't mean that we will know who A is. Look at this:

Yes, there is two ways how you can read that. And i actually never thought that Big A will be totally revealed in finale episode, cause Marlene said in: "We love you to death"- episode, that we will know who bigA is before season 7 starts.

But maybee they give us a really really big clue about A's identity, that we can figure out the rest of it. Anyways, i hope that month goes really quicky. I have already planned my PLLparty, well.. i party only myself, because i don't have friends whose are obsessed to PLL. But, what the heck.. i'm gonna buy candies, chips, few beers and ciders and gonna talk all day long at PLL in social media. HAHA. So i think i'm gonna have fun.

And now to my new theory, what came in mind yesterday.
So.. there is sooo many theories that Aria is bigA, and she is mentally ill or she is having multipersonality. And i think about it lot.

So, my theory is that, what if Aria and Bethany are twins, and their sister is also Jenna.. Because we don't know anything about Jenna's or Bethany's moms.
How this is possible?

Maybe they all are adopted. Different familys tho.. Aria and Bethany were adopted to Montgomery's because they are twins, and Jenna to other family.
Bethany tried to kill Aria, when they were child, but Aria didn't die. And they sent Bethany to Radley.

I read multipersonality in wikipedia, and there is theories that multipersonality can come to a person, if she or he have some kind of a traumatic experience. Well, that is really traumatic, if your twin sister tries to kill you.

That's why Aria could be A, because her sister were kinda killed because of Alison, and Jenna was blinded also because of Ali. Ali also blackmailed Aria's dad (whether he is biological or not) and those things made Aria so angry that she wants revenge. 
And maybe Black widow was really Jenna, if Aria and Jenna is working together.

Is there any sense of this? This just came in my mind, so i want it to write here.

Thankyou for reading and have a nice day!

tiistai 17. helmikuuta 2015

Clues About AriA/What Hank Mahoney means?

Hello Bitches and happy PLL day!! YAYYY

So, i have watch these few days PLL season 1, because Keegan said in interview that if you go back to Season 1 and you watch closely every clue, you really can figure it out who is really big A? And i find few really intresting thing about Aria.

Yes, there is lots of theories about Aria being A, but this clues i haven't seen anywhere yet, so that's why i post those here.

First, i have noticed that it looks like that Aria likes pigs.. hmm...

This part, A made Hanna eat several
cupcakes. And look.. there is piggies.

And last but not least...

Dead pig in a trunk. Eww.....

I noticed something too in that part when Hanna had to eat those cupcakes..

Because suddenly Aria comes there:

In the toilet too, where Hanna found the money.

This is also little bit strange..

Watch those boots and that doll in the table. And watch next pics..

Looks like Aria and A like boots.
That --> is one A-ending scene in
season 2.

That doll maybe doesn't mean anything, but it reminds me of this. Another A-ending scene at Season 1.

This one i noticed yesterday. Do you remember the scene where girls were praciting school play and Aria wanted to be the stage manager, and Spencer found this trophy on the box...

Spence, Hanna and Em wanted to take this trophy immediately to the police, because they thought that the blood is Alison's. But Aria were acting weird.. like she wanted that they don't tell this to police.. and she was skeptical that is blood even Alison's or is it even blood? You can find that scene in season 1 episode 18: The badass seed.

I'm really suspecting Aria now.. i think she may have a dirty secrets.

Then another things.

Last episode there was Cyrus (Alisons fake kidnapper), but he used name: Hank Mahoney. I have few theories about that name.. There is Hanna's initials.. And there you can find also word KEY. KEYHANNA?

Hank could also means Kahn..

But this was weird. I wrote Hank Mahoney to google and found this.

There is link about Harry G. Mahoney, which is called also Hank Mahoney.
And there is a list his education and experiences, and in experiences there is this:

  • Silverman & Warden, Montgomery County, Pa. (1974–1979)
Isn't that just strange? Maybe A-clue?

Then the last one.. Some time a go Marlene posted in twitter that there is a clue in that episode in season 2, where the girls are in community service. That episode name is: Through many dangers, toils and snares.. i also wrote that in Google and found lyrics about Amazing Grace. 

Here is link to the lyrics:

Does that mean something? Amazing Grace there is also Aria's initials, and no-one else.

So, could Aria really be A? Many of you really think, that she is.

Happy day for everyone and hope you found something new here!