tiistai 17. helmikuuta 2015

Clues About AriA/What Hank Mahoney means?

Hello Bitches and happy PLL day!! YAYYY

So, i have watch these few days PLL season 1, because Keegan said in interview that if you go back to Season 1 and you watch closely every clue, you really can figure it out who is really big A? And i find few really intresting thing about Aria.

Yes, there is lots of theories about Aria being A, but this clues i haven't seen anywhere yet, so that's why i post those here.

First, i have noticed that it looks like that Aria likes pigs.. hmm...

This part, A made Hanna eat several
cupcakes. And look.. there is piggies.

And last but not least...

Dead pig in a trunk. Eww.....

I noticed something too in that part when Hanna had to eat those cupcakes..

Because suddenly Aria comes there:

In the toilet too, where Hanna found the money.

This is also little bit strange..

Watch those boots and that doll in the table. And watch next pics..

Looks like Aria and A like boots.
That --> is one A-ending scene in
season 2.

That doll maybe doesn't mean anything, but it reminds me of this. Another A-ending scene at Season 1.

This one i noticed yesterday. Do you remember the scene where girls were praciting school play and Aria wanted to be the stage manager, and Spencer found this trophy on the box...

Spence, Hanna and Em wanted to take this trophy immediately to the police, because they thought that the blood is Alison's. But Aria were acting weird.. like she wanted that they don't tell this to police.. and she was skeptical that is blood even Alison's or is it even blood? You can find that scene in season 1 episode 18: The badass seed.

I'm really suspecting Aria now.. i think she may have a dirty secrets.

Then another things.

Last episode there was Cyrus (Alisons fake kidnapper), but he used name: Hank Mahoney. I have few theories about that name.. There is Hanna's initials.. And there you can find also word KEY. KEYHANNA?

Hank could also means Kahn..

But this was weird. I wrote Hank Mahoney to google and found this.


There is link about Harry G. Mahoney, which is called also Hank Mahoney.
And there is a list his education and experiences, and in experiences there is this:

  • Silverman & Warden, Montgomery County, Pa. (1974–1979)
Isn't that just strange? Maybe A-clue?

Then the last one.. Some time a go Marlene posted in twitter that there is a clue in that episode in season 2, where the girls are in community service. That episode name is: Through many dangers, toils and snares.. i also wrote that in Google and found lyrics about Amazing Grace. 

Here is link to the lyrics: http://www.constitution.org/col/amazing_grace.htm

Does that mean something? Amazing Grace there is also Aria's initials, and no-one else.

So, could Aria really be A? Many of you really think, that she is.

Happy day for everyone and hope you found something new here!

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