torstai 19. helmikuuta 2015

Ready for big reveAl?

Hello my lovely liars!
So, first of all, next episode promo looks pretty nice:

But promos always looks nice, and then the hole episode is just.. blaah.. boring. Sorryy, i had to say that, because it's true that this season 5B has been kinda boring, and i'm not the only one who think like that.

But i am still really exited, that we are only 4 episodes away from Big A reveal. Well, that still doens't mean that we will know who A is. Look at this:

Yes, there is two ways how you can read that. And i actually never thought that Big A will be totally revealed in finale episode, cause Marlene said in: "We love you to death"- episode, that we will know who bigA is before season 7 starts.

But maybee they give us a really really big clue about A's identity, that we can figure out the rest of it. Anyways, i hope that month goes really quicky. I have already planned my PLLparty, well.. i party only myself, because i don't have friends whose are obsessed to PLL. But, what the heck.. i'm gonna buy candies, chips, few beers and ciders and gonna talk all day long at PLL in social media. HAHA. So i think i'm gonna have fun.

And now to my new theory, what came in mind yesterday.
So.. there is sooo many theories that Aria is bigA, and she is mentally ill or she is having multipersonality. And i think about it lot.

So, my theory is that, what if Aria and Bethany are twins, and their sister is also Jenna.. Because we don't know anything about Jenna's or Bethany's moms.
How this is possible?

Maybe they all are adopted. Different familys tho.. Aria and Bethany were adopted to Montgomery's because they are twins, and Jenna to other family.
Bethany tried to kill Aria, when they were child, but Aria didn't die. And they sent Bethany to Radley.

I read multipersonality in wikipedia, and there is theories that multipersonality can come to a person, if she or he have some kind of a traumatic experience. Well, that is really traumatic, if your twin sister tries to kill you.

That's why Aria could be A, because her sister were kinda killed because of Alison, and Jenna was blinded also because of Ali. Ali also blackmailed Aria's dad (whether he is biological or not) and those things made Aria so angry that she wants revenge. 
And maybe Black widow was really Jenna, if Aria and Jenna is working together.

Is there any sense of this? This just came in my mind, so i want it to write here.

Thankyou for reading and have a nice day!

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