perjantai 20. helmikuuta 2015

Who will die in finAle?

Hey you liars!
This post is gonna be loooong, so beware :D

So, i read somewhere that the last words in finale episode, will be: "I can't believe you're A".

Who will find out his/her true identity? And will that person be dead after that.. i think so.
I have read also a spoiler ( don't know is it true or not ), that Mona's mom will die. So maybe she is the one who find out, unless does she even know the hole A-thing? Well, i guess so, because her daughter was in mental hospital. But i will come to this later...
Now, i have some other things what i've noticed lately..

Watch this Mona's death scene

It looks like that the person who killed Mona is not really skinny, he/she have kinda strong legs. I don't mean that she or he is fat, but look at yourself..

A also breaks into Mona's home. And that looks intresting because the last episode Spencer breaks into that place same way, where is her and Jonny's paintings. So Spencer sure knows how to break somewhere. Looks suspicious..

What Spencer gave to Jonny at last episode before he left? It reminds me of stapler, but was it? A also used stapler when A attacked to Aria. Hmmm...

And now i come back to that thing where i started this post.
So, if Mona's mom will find out who is bigA, could it maybe be Hanna? Because Mona's mom knows Hanna the best of those liars. And i have many times thought that Hanna really could be A, because she have many motives.

One motive could be that she is related to Bethany somehow. Her mom saw the other twin at halloween ep, and Hanna saw twins in Ravenswood. The girls in the first secret were blondes, Bethany Young is blond and Hanna is also. So, maybe Bethany is really Hanna's sister?

Other motive is that she was also humiliated by Ali. Ali called Hanna names, like "hefty-Hanna" and make fun of her different ways.

Hanna really changed a lot when Ali disappeared. She became the new queen bee of Rosewood, with Mona. And Mona was the first A, and Hanna were best friends with her. Maybe it was Hanna who told Mona what to do, as A. But Mona didn't know that.

Or... maybe she did. I have also a theory that maybe Mona really didn't die, and she and Hanna make a plan to fake Mona's death, looking like that it was Ali who killed Mona. 
Song: "We gotta get out of this place" was playing in that scene where Mona died. And chorus goes like:

We gotta get out of this place
If its the last thing we ever do
We gotta get out of this place
'Cause girl, there's a better life
For me and you

Could that be a clue? That Hanna and Mona wants a better life in somewhere else?

There's always a possibility that Mona didn't know that Hanna is A, because in death scene she really looks like shocked. And Mrs. Grunwald also told to Hanna that "it was a ultimate betrayal to Mona". Maybe it was Hanna who betrayed Mona.

In that death scene i also noticed that Hanna had black cloths. bigA had black clothes too in that part. Well yes, it looks like that Hanna is really sad in that part when they found out that Mona was killed, but it still looks a little bit fake to me,

And where the hell was Spencer? Was she in police station in that part, because i don't remember right now? Well, if she was, that could explain that she wasn't the one who killed Mona, but maybe she got out there earlier than we know.

What do you guys think? Who will find out who is bigA in finale? And what are your thoughts about my new clues? Please let me know.


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