keskiviikko 25. helmikuuta 2015

Who's A and who's not?

OMG OMG OMG, last episode of pll was so INSANE! Finally there is happening something.. and there's not even a month to big finAle. I'm freakin out, like really!!

So thoughts about last ep. The most creepiest part was that A was in that room, where Cyrus was. That was soo creepy! And blood in Spencer's purse.. and what almost happened to Aria.. oh god.. but luckely there was Andrew who was helping Aria. But yes, that is a fact that Mike could have died, and that what makes me think, that Aria might not be A. I don't really believe that she would kill her little brother. Well, people can make terrible things, but still.. no.

And do you guys think that Andrew has been in pll lately quite a lot. Is he just intrested about Aria or is he hiding something? Hope he's not A tho.

Were was Melissa and Wren when Spencer went to London?
That makes me think that is one of them or both involved for Cyrus case somehow? it never knows..

Now it's time to Analyze A. Who could it be?

If it's one of the parents, it could be:
Ashley Marin ( there is maybe something we don't know about her. she has done some nasty things. like stealing money and ran over police)

I don't believe it's any of the other parents.. but if it is, suspects could be also Byron and Mr. Hastings. ( Ali blackmailed Byron and Jason is Peter's son, so there might be a little possibility if Peter is trying to protect Jason somehow ).

But i really don't think that A could be a parent, because why parents try to hurt their childs? 

If A is female, my suspects are Melissa, CeCe and Maya. ( Melissa and CeCe have reasons, why they could be A. I don't know Maya's possible reasons, but there might be something in hide. Something we don't know. And we never saw her body either ). 

If A is male, my suspects are Wren, Toby and Caleb. ( Toby have many reasons why he could be A, and he has been in A-team once. I still hope that he is only trying protect the girls, especially Spencer.) Wren and Caleb are both a little mysterious characters to me. They are both really smart. Like Caleb with hackering computers and mobile phones and Wren is a doctor, who has easy pass to people's information and blood)

If A is one of the liars, my suspects are: Aria and Hanna. Hanna has been suffered the most of being friends with Ali and about Aria.. well there is so many clues and theories about her.
But what makes me think is, that Marlene tweeted that there is only one active A right now, so how could any of those liars do those terrifying things without any help? 
If A is one the the liars, she really have someone beside who is helping.

Who's definitely not A?

Jason (i really don't have good explanation in this.. yes he is still alive and he was part of the NAT-club, and there is something strange in him. But he's just not A-material to me)

Jenna. (It's way too obvious and boring, if she's A)

Alison ( Like Jenna, it will be just stupid, if she's A. Like why? Yes, she's a bitch and she lies people and know dirty secrets), but still i don't think she's A.

Lucas ( He has been in A-team and helped Mona, but he's harmless. I don't think that he wants to do any harm)

Paige ( She has many reasons to be A too, because Ali bullied her. But there's something in her, which makes me think that she's not A.)

Ezra is a little bit mysterious to me. We thought that he is A earlier, but he wasn't.. i believe him, and i hope that they don't go back of Ezra being A anymore.

I hope that A is not any of the page actresses, like Andrew, Jonny, Meredith, Kate, Isabelle, Ted, Eddie Lamb and so on.. it would be just stupid. Well, maybe not that stupid, if there is a really intresting story behind.

I do hope that bigA is someone we know well. She or he has been there all the time. I actually hope it's a young female. Someone, who will make us scream. "NO WAY IN HELL" !! Haha...

Guys, who do you think is A and why? Please let me know and love ya all!

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