lauantai 21. helmikuuta 2015

I Could hAve been A..

This post will be different than the others.
I will reveal some secrets of myself to you guys.

First of all, i'm a boy or should i say young man, i am 27 years old and yes, like you have noticed, huuuge pllfan :D

I used to live in a small town with my foster parents and my big brother ( not biological ).
Like in Rosewood too, every little town is full of secrets and those secrets is not easy to hide.

When i went to grade school when i was 7 years old, i had no friends at all. I was mostly alone, because other people thought that i am weird boy, who has ugly face and ugly cloths.
Few student bullied me with nasty words and few student also kicked me with their shoes after school day. I was a small boy, who was afraid to defend himself.
"Luckely" the bullying was kinda small in those times. 
And what made it more sad, was that even teachers didn't defend me, when i told that i am bullied by others. One teacher said, that it's my fault that i'm bullied. How someone can say something like that to a young boy, who scares.

After grade school ended, i went to seventh grade to junior high. It was different school, many new faces, and i hoped that people don't bully me anymore. But they did, and it was worse than ever..
I tried to be friends with few boys and we used to smoke cigarettes in a secret place. One time i told them secret things about my life, because i thought that i can trust them. But those bastards told my secrets to the whole school. Immediately people started to calling me names, they laughed at me and made me embarrassed in front of everyone.
There was also few boys who beated me badly, repeatedly many times after school.

I had few friends still, but they were bullied too by others, and they never defended me. Never. And that felt bad.

In last grade i changed a little bit. I started to wear cooler cloths, i did my hair look better and i started to defend myself also more. Some way bullying was less than before, but still it was there the whole time after last grade ended and i got off the hole school and place, and i moved to another place to live and studying.

So, i was bullied nine years. It was so awfull and sad time in my life and i never forget it. Some way i am thankfull to my bulliers that i am sooo much stronger now. I'm a fighter. And now a days i have many friends.

But i never forget how evil those people were to me. How they called me so many different bad names. How they tortured me, beated me and make my life like a hell. I was so alone. Cried in my room everyday day after school. And even teachers and my parents tried to do their best, situation didn't change at all.

Maybe that's why PLL is my favourite show, cause i see so many things in that show, what i was going through when i was younger. I could have been A.. because i thought revenge long time. Sometimes i still do, even tho i don't know anything about those bullies lifes. 

So if you are bullying someone, please STOP. It's not cool.
If you are bullied by someone, talk and defend yourself.
Or if you see bullying happening somewhere, don't just watch. Do something!

Thank you for reading!

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