maanantai 9. helmikuuta 2015

It All stArted with A lie

Once upon A time, there was a young,

beautiful and very

popular girl called Alison Dilaurentis.
She had everything. Cool cloths, great look and four
loyal friends (Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily).
Boys wanted to date with her and girls wanted to
be her.
But there is a price for popularity, because Alison
had lots of enemies. And especially one enemy
is very dangerous and wants to destroy Ali and
her friends lifes. It's called A, of course. There is
a man/woman behind that mask, stalking
around, who wants revenge.

Why? That's because Ali and her friends were not nice
persons. Ali collected others secrets, using those 
secrets against people. Exemple blackmailing..
And what Ali did, so did her friends. 

So where did all began?
It was one ordinary night. Five girls were having fun, drinking and sharing secrets.
("Friends share secrets, that's what keeps us close" - Alison said).
But meanwhile the girls have fallen asleep, Alison disappeared. Spencer tried to find her, but with no results.

Year after, Aria moves back to her hometown Rosewood with her mom, dad and little brother. But nothing is like the same anymore. Alison is still missing and other girls had separate. Hanna - who had weight little bit earlier, is now fit and gorgeous. New queen bee of Rosewood High with her best friend Mona Vanderwaal (who was also a nerdy loser those times when Alison was around).

Spencer is trying to be a perfect girl in school and her home. She tries so hard to make her parents proud of her, but she still feels that she's not good enough, especially when she have even more perfect big sister Melissa, who does everything right and dating a hot guy called Wren. But Spencer is not so innocent either, because she have issues for keeping her hands off about Wren. That same happened, when her sister dated Ian Thomas.

Meanwhile Emily is worried about her feelings about girl called Maya who moved her neighbour. In that same house, where Alison used to live. Emily and Maya get to know each other, and soon Emily notice that she have feelings to Maya and try to hide those feelings as best as she can - especially for her parents. Emily is also a great swimmer.

Aria, who has just moved, hiding secrets as well. She saw one day with Alison, how her father kissed another woman in a car. But her father doesn't want to tell that secret to Aria's mom. Aria also meets a man called Ezra in a bar, who appearently is the new english teacher in Rosewood High.

Even tho Alison is missing, girls are suddenly receiving weird text-messages which is sent by A. And it feels like Alison is still around, because there is private secrets in those messages, which only Ali knew.

But then something terrifying happens. Police finds Alisons body, so there's no possibility that Ali is behind those messages, but someone really is.


I wanted to memorize where did all began so that's why i write it about.
And now we go to present time.
We all know that original A was Hanna's best friend Mona, who wanted to revenge everything what she had to go through. And we also know that someone stole that A-game from her. But who the hell is she/he? That we had been figuring out almost five years now, because even tho Mona was A, the big, main A has been there since from the beginning.
And Mona is dead now a days, so she can't be A anymore. Or we think she's dead. We saw her body. But there is ALWAYS a possibility that she faked her death. (And if she did, well.. that was really great fake).

So who is Main A? Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily thinks that A is Alison herself, and actually Alison is now in jail accused by Mona's death. But i still don't believe that Alison is A. Because the producers have said, that they will do this show differently as what it is in the books. Cause in the books Alison was A, and also Alisons crazy twin-sister was A. But i don't think that they are doing show the same way.. i just don't.
So i think Alison is framed... of course by A.

I.Marlene King revealed that we will know identity of A before the season 7 starts, but we may get a big clue about A's identity season 5 finale, and there's not much time for that. YAYY.

This site purpose is of course trying to figure out who is A, before it reveals in the show. So i will write here theories and every details, what i have.
Comments are welcome and i hope that you guys tell me what are your theories of A?
Questions are welcome too.

And i'm sorry if my english is sometimes a little bit bad, because that's not my mother tongue. But i hope you understand.

And last but not least, thanks to my boyfriend who did this amazing background to this blog.

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