tiistai 10. helmikuuta 2015

MayA St. Germain is A

First of all, happy PLL day to everyone! My boyfriend is making me a cake and i have now time to make my first theory post, who is Main A?
Well, literally i have suspected everyone of being that, because it really feels that A is everywhere. But this theory i have thought the most. So...

Sorry for all the EmayA- fans (which i'm also), but i really do think that MayA is Big A.

- I start with her name. MayA St. Germain. Producers, especially I.Marlene King is calling A as a Main A or Uber A. Notice MAIN. That word is in her surname. And what comes to that Uber? Well, that sounds germany for me and surname Germain also reminds me of Germany. Can that be a hint?
- Everything started when Maya moved into Ali's old house. Maya may have seen Ali's old diaries and maybe it was meant to be that she gave those diaries to Mona, that Mona will do all the dirty work.
- Maya died at the end of season 2, but we never saw her body. And there are similarities of Alison's death scene and Maya's. We didn't saw their bodies. Music is the same at the background. Emily is running to hear what happened. Also someone hoped a clue for I.Marlene King just before the season 2 finale was aired, and only what Marlene tweeted was: BigA. Check this and watch closely:

Just before Emily starts to run, look at that ground. There is a sign: A. Another clue?

- How much we did know about Maya? She was always that mysterious girl. We didn't know anything about her parents. And that's what weird also.

- Maya used to date guys. But suddenly she was intrested about Emily? Why Emily? Well if she read Ali's diaries, she knew that Emily might be intrested about girls, and Emily was also a very loyal friend of Alisons and knew lots of secrets about Ali.

- One intresting this is also those codes, what Mona gaved to Hanna at Radley's. 

Monas codes: Maya knew, www.massugar.com and Not Safe. What did Maya knew excatly? Why Maya had that weird website? ( well she told that she is stalked by A, but so did Mona faked that she's having messages from A, even tho she was the original A) and NotSafe, does that mean that Maya is very dangerous?

- It has confirmed that Main A was there from the begining of season 1. And that A appears at the season 3 episode 1. Well, Maya appeared at the newspapers, being: Missing girl? 

- It's also intresting that Maya found dead at the same episode, when Mona was revealed to be A, and went to Radley's. Maybe Maya was the one who stoled the game, and there is plenty of time doing some dirty work, when others think you're dead.

- Why there is Bianca Lawson's interview at the bonus episode: We love you to deAth, if everyone thinks that she is dead?

- Maya fits perfectly in black widow's costume.

- I watched all A-ending yesterday and found some intresting things. One ending A is looking shoes and picks boots. Same kind of boots Maya is using.
Another ending A has Emily's purse and there is pills, which are Maya's. Maybe Maya is psychopath and need to take pills? One ending i saw receipt papers which are Dr. Kingstongs. Maybe Maya is doing receipts for herself, because no one can't know that she is still alive.

- It was said that Nate/Lyndon killer Maya, but he never admitted to that. 

- Season 3 finale: A dangerous game Toby sees someone in the woods, who have dark hair? And everyone thinks that she's Jenna, but maybe she was Maya.


.- Did Maya knew Bethany Young and how? Maybe Bethany was Maya's stepsister or maybe ex-girlfriend, who got into Radley and because of Bethany's death Maya wants to justice for her body and that's why torturing the girls.

- I read somewhere that Maya and Shana could might be sisters? Have you notice how aggressive A is for Aria now a days? Maybe that's because Aria killed Shana.

- Well, we don't know nothing about Maya's parents? Maybe parent or parents are someone we already know.

- Maya and Jenna might know each other. Maybe Jenna was Maya's girlfriend too at some point, or someone very close to her, and Maya wants justice for Jenna too.

Well, here is my theories and clues. 
I know that many of these theories are already out there, but i hope that you who read this, got something new information to think about. 

Tell me, what are your thoughts about Maya? Could she be the most dangerous of them all? Could she be still alive? What are her motives and so on? 
Tell me guys. :)

Kisses bitches and enjoy new episode of pll today!

"Such a cuties they are"

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